Open Carry.


Michigan is an

open carry state.

Yes, you can carry

without a CPL.


A growing trend in Michigan is something called open carry. If you have never heard of this term before, it is simply the act of carrying a firearm openly, or in a way which is always visible.

There are two ways citizens of Michigan can go about this. Without a CPL is very restrictive, you cannot open carry in your vehicle nor can you open carry in the locations listed under 750.234d including any location with a license to sell alcohol which includes stores like Meijers or Walmart.

With a CPL you can open carry in any location you can conceal carry and as a growing opinion suggests, places listed as "Concealed Free Zones" 28.425o. As mentioned here, this may be a gray area in some places.

As a CPL holder you are not required to carry your firearm concealed. However, there has been challenges in court to claim that open carry is a form of brandishing even though the MSP Legal Update #86 and AG opinion 7101 state otherwise.

Checkout the Michigan Open Carry Website for more information.